We communicate on par with each other, appreciate fair play, work precisely and always aspire towards the best. Hence, we appreciate and consider different opinions and are grateful for constructive criticism.
We grow through team work, and through the goals we attain together with our customers. We are proud of being an EASA Part-145 Maintenance Organization (DE.145.0076) for Borescope Inspections on PT6A, JT15D, PW100, PW150, CF34 and CFM56-3/5/7.
Everything is possible with a disciplined, creative, and outcome-oriented team. Only the sky is the limit!
That’s our team
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We are Kabamba
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Dietmar Wiegand
Dietmar has extensive experience as a Rotary Aircraft Engineer/Certifying Staff. He has worked on PW100, PW150, and CF34 aircrafts at Lufthansa Technik in Alzey, where he gained valuable experience in the field of repair, certification, and borescope inspections. As Director of Maintenance at MSI Maintenance Services International he was also responsible for maintenance, repair and overhaul of PW100, PW150 and CF34. Since March, 1st 2023 he supports our team as Senior Engine Specialist.

Mert Bulut
Mert Bulut joined our team in spring 2022. As a working student, he successfully elaborated all documents for the EASA Part-145-Certification, namely the Maintenance Organization Exposition (MOE) and the Maintenance Procedures Manual (MPM). Mert is an aviation enthusiast and future certifying staff for borescope inspections. He supports the team in technical administration whilst continuing the training to become certifying staff.

Vianne Kabamba
Vianne was born in 2004 and is the younger daughter of Joachim Kabamba. Since 2020, she has been working for Kabamba Aerospace as a part-time Marketing Manager. She finished secondary school in 2023. At the moment she’s volunteering at a children’s hospital. In her spare time she likes to do sports such as volleyball, mountainbiking and golf.

Joachim Kabamba
Born in 1966, Joachim “Jojo” Kabamba is an aviation enthusiast since childhood.
He earned his engineering degree in aeronautics (Diplom-Ingenieur Luft- und Raumfahrt) at the Technical University of Munich in 1994 and he has professionally been involved in turbine engine maintenance, repair and overhaul since 1999. In 2005 he decided to tap into the advantages and the freedom of a being a freelancer which led to the creation of Kabamba Aerospace GmbH in 2008.
Successfully combining the aviation enthiusiasm with a love to travel, he has successfully been doing business in Europe, North Amercia, the Middle East, Africa and AustralAsia. Whenever time allows, he likes to go for a run or practice martial arts.
Future Certifications
Our next step is becoming an Approved Training Organisation (ATO) in accordance with Part-147.
ATOs are institutions authorized by aviation regulatory authorities to provide maintenance training for aircraft technicians. They adhere to strict standards set by aviation authorities, ensuring high-quality education and training.
ATOs offer courses that cover technical aspects, safety procedures, and regulatory compliance. Graduates from these programs are better equipped to perform aircraft maintenance tasks safely and effectively, contributing to the overall safety and reliability of aviation operations.